July 2024 Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees monthly meeting will be held on Monday, July 8 at 6:00pm in the Library's Meeting Room.

Library Closed - Independence day

The Library will be closed Thursday, July 4, 2024 in observance of Independence Day.

Bev's Book Beat-March 2024

"By March, the worst of winter would be over.

The snow would thaw, the rivers begin to run

and the world would wake up into itself again."

Neil Gaiman


Here's to March! The month in-between winter and spring. Getting closer to the longer, warmer days while still a chill in the air. Trying to figure out what to wear this time of year is always fun. There is something about a beautiful Spring day.




Literary Cafe April 5th at 10 am

Cozy Up With a Series, the Winter Book Challenge, continues until April 30th. 

Keep bringing those raffle tickets in.

Book Discussion is April 25th at 4pm. We are doing Horse by Geraldine Brooks.

The books are ready to pick up so stop by.


Keep a Look-Out For:


American Spirits by Russell Banks

Murder at La Villette by Cara Black

In Sunshine or in Shadow by Rhys Bowen

Still See You Everywhere by Lisa Gardner

Front Sight by Stephen Hunter

Mona of the Manor by Amistead Maupin

Finding Margaret Fuller by Allison Pataki

Never Too Late by Danielle Steel

Big Time by Ben H. Winters

Icarus Job by Timothy Zahn

Princess of Las Vegas by Chris Bohjalian

How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin

Truth About the Devlins by Lisa Scottoline

The #1 Lawyer by James Patterson and Nancy Allen

The Hunter by Tana French

Has Anyone Seen Charlotte Salter by Nicci French


Spring never waits for winter to leave

It comes and drives away the cold

You need no perfect time to start

You start, and it's the perfect time. 

(Like reading a book)


Time change is March 10th.

Spring begins March 19th at 11:06 pm EST


Happy Spring!


Happy Reading!


Bev @Mattituck-Laurel Library


631-298-4134 X 104

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