Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Policy

Last Updated Date

Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Policy

    1. Section "206-c" of the Labor Law requires all employers to provide time to allow nursing employees to express breast milk.
    2. To avail oneself of accommodations set forth in this policy, employees must submit a request to the Director for a room or location. Requests should, when possible, be provided prior to the employee’s return to work to allow the Library to designate a location and schedule to accommodate the needs of multiple employees when needed. The Library must respond to a request within a reasonable time, not to exceed five (5) business days.
    3. The Library will provide a paid break time for thirty (30) minutes and will permit an employee to use an existing paid break time or mealtime for any time needed in excess of thirty (30) minutes to express breast milk.
    4. The Library will designate a room or other location to be made available to nursing employees. The room may not be used for any other purpose while it is being utilized by nursing mothers. If the designated room or other location is not solely used by nursing employees, the room or location will be made available to nursing employees when needed. All employees will be given notice as to when such rooms or other locations will be designated for use by nursing employees. The room or location should have a door equipped with a functional lock. If a door with a functional lock is not available, as a last resort the Library will utilize a sign indicating the room is in use and not accessible to other employees or the public.
    5. If the Library is unable to provide a dedicated room or other location, we may provide the use of a vacant office or other available room on a temporary basis so long as the room is not accessible to the public or other employees while the nursing employee is using the room for expression purposes.
    6. The Library must designate a room or other location, other than a restroom or toilet stall, to be made available to employees who make such a request. The room will be (i) in close proximity to the work area; (ii) well lit; (iii) shielded from view; and (iv) free from intrusion from other persons in the workplace or the public. The room or other location will contain a chair, working surface, nearby access to cleaning running water, and an electrical outlet so long as the workplace is supplied with electricity. Expressed milk can be stored in the Library refrigerators provided it is sealed. Milk should not be stored overnight. The Library is not responsible for the safekeeping of any milk stored in Library refrigerators.
    7. The Library may not discharge, discriminate, threaten, penalize, or in any other manner discriminate or retaliate against any employee because such employee has exercised their rights afforded under this section. This policy will be provided to all employees annually, upon hire, and to employees returning to work after the birth of a child.


Ref:   Labor Law §206-c; Guidelines Regarding the Rights of Nursing Mothers to Express Breast Milk in the Work Place ( LS702) (


Adopted 08/14/2023

Revised 07/08/2024

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