Building the Future of Mattituck-Laurel Library Together

Join us as we embark on an exciting journey to enhance your Community Library! Join us for an open house on January 23 from 4pm - 6pm in the Library's circulation area. Renderings will be on display, the Director and Trustees will be present to discuss project details and answer questions. Light refreshments will be served.

American Girl Celebratory Tea Party, Author Talk and Silent Auction

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Program Description

Event Details

Calling all adult American Girl doll fans! Join us for a tea party and author talk celebrating the dolls you loved, shared clothing with, shared with friends at fanciful tea parties and in historical locales. We will be having a conversation with Mary Mahoney, co-author of Dolls of Our Lives:  Why We Can't Quit American Girl and co-host of the popular podcast, Dolls of Our Lives, in which we will explore American Girl fandom and nostalgia.  Book sale and signing to follow.

As part of the festivities, please send us pictures of you and your doll and stories of childhood play with your dolls, siblings and friends. At your earliest convenience, please submit pics and/or stories to We plan to display these stories and photos at our tea party as we enjoy assorted pastries and sweet treats.  

During the tea service, attendees can purchase raffle tickets for a silent auction that will include a grand prize of a gift certificate for an American Girl Doll, a gift certificate for a Target “Our Generation” doll, a gift certificate for “Tea for Two” at Special Effects in Greenport, and more!

                                 *This program is designed with adults in mind.