Show Your Community Library some love in the following ways:
Browse the stacks and check out a book, make sure to let the circulation staff know how wonderful they are!
Not sure what to read? Our Readers Advisor, Bev, will personalize recommendations for you.
Don’t have time to stop in? That’s ok, did you know you can still show us love by checking out eBooks and Audiobooks on Libby or Hoopla? Don’t feel like reading, watch a movie on Kanopy!
Attend one of our programs, we’ve got all ages covered, a few to highlight this month:
February 6, 6:30pm - Poetry, Music and Art Series on Zoom: I Carry Your Heart with Me, Universal Love Stories, Andrea Bocelli Songs (all ages/adults)
February 8, 7:00pm - Love is in the Air via Zoom (all ages/adults)
February 8, 4:00pm - Fruit Loop Heart Bird Feeders (families)
February 11, 4:00pm - Sip and Sing "Love Show" with Valerie Di Lorenzo via Zoom (all ages/adults)
February 13, 4:30pm - Make Your Own Pancakes (teens)
February 15, 12:00pm - East End Libraries Present: Women's Heart Health via Zoom (all ages/adults)
Visit the adult reference area for questions about local history, tech help or to use a computer. The staff there are always available to help accomplish your goals and objectives and will do so with warmth.
Visit the Children’s Room and spend some time reading to your child or playing in the space – the helpful and kind staff are always ready to assist with a smile.
If you run into some of our behind-the-scenes staff, remind them of how integral they are to keep our Library running.
What can I say, I love our library, our community, our wonderfully supportive Board of Trustees and the incredible folks I have the privilege of working with each day. A big thank you to our patrons and the communities of Mattituck and Laurel, can't wait to see you at the Library!
Shauna Scholl, Director